Lots to like in this print newsletter from the Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection, an Arizona nonprofit that ‘works to create a community where: ecosystem health is protected; nature and healthy wild animal populations are valued; and residents, visitors, and future generations can all drink clean water, breathe clean air, and find wild places to roam.’
Beginning with the over-sized envelope announcing what’s inside and thanking me for my support, the newsletter inside creates a genuine partnership between me, the donor, and the Coalition:
‘Open Space and What it Means for You,’
‘This past year, you showed up in droves to speak out for habitat and open space!’
‘Drive up Oracle Road and you can see history in the making.’
Over and over, the Coalition reiterates gratitude and the knowledge that they couldn’t do it without your support. I love the Donor Spotlight, highlighting one of the organization’s monthly donors.
Kathleen Kennedy, Program and Development Coordinator for the Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection, took our Nonprofit Newsletters course last year. She notes that they’ve switched to a more donor-focused newsletter, increased the frequency of mailing, and their newsletter regularly produces revenue. Click to download.
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