Simple Development Systems
Imagine having all the funding you need to focus on mission –
instead of chasing dollars
Give me 10 minutes and I’ll reveal my…
Secret to developing long-term funding even in today’s economy, now and forever . . .
Are you a one-person development department? This was written just for you.
Dear Nonprofit Professional:
I’ve been where you’re at right now.
You’re the (as one of my subscribers wrote): “ED, Major Gift Officer, Grant Writer, Patient Relations Representative, Prospect Researcher and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
… not to mention PR and marketing director, event planner, individual giving manager, director of stewardship and, yes, even graphic designer!
Where do you find the time to:
- Write funded grant proposals and follow-up reports?
- Grow your individual giving, including phoning donors and launching your organization’s monthly giving program?
- Make sure your nonprofit gets media coverage in traditional and new media?
- Develop a website that draws visitors and donors?
- Cultivate major donors?
I’ve been where you’re at right now
- Wondering how you’ll cover payroll next month
- Trying to figure out how you can increase your services to meet your community’s overwhelming need
- Knowing that you need help with fundraising but you just don’t have the time or money to attend workshops or seminars. And hiring a consultant? Forget about it.
Simple Development Systems is the answer you’ve been looking for
“I am just finishing the first year with my organization as the new Executive Director. I had no idea that during the year my role would soon expand to include donor developer, record keeper, fundraiser, webmaster, social media monitor, planned giving coordinator, event planner, etc.. pretty much the description of a one-person shop! I was intrigued with the title of Pam’s new book on Simple Development Systems, Successful Fundraising for the One-Person Shop. I knew she had written it just for me! This book is a simple, easy to read, essential resource that I wish I had on day one of my job. While reading through each chapter, I was able to click on links to great references by experienced authors, many whom I’ve already been introduced to through Pam’s weekly blog.
I know that I will be referring back to this book, printing off pages for my “swipe” file, and using her tips over and over. Every chapter is on a topic that is so relevant to someone like me who finds themselves wearing different hats. I’m looking forward to really using the toolkit she has provided that will help get my plans and goals down on paper in an organized way. Absolutely recommend this book to anyone who is doing it all! I didn’t know there was so much that I didn’t know. Now that I know better what questions to ask, I can finally get a plan in place to work on the answers. Thank you.”
Cheryl Melendez
Executive Director
Gospel Literature International
In the midst of a global recession, can you really afford to continue what you’re doing?
- Expenses are rising
- Foundation dollars are (so *they* say) declining
- Donations are down
- You need ten more people to help you, even one would be nice, but there’s no money in the budget!
Building multiple streams of income is your answer and Simple Development Systems will show you step-by-step how to
- Grow your donor database and build an email supporter list
- Create a monthly giving program to create sustaining monthly income – and build stronger donor loyalty
- Target small to mid-size foundations for general operating support grants
Simple Development Systems is absolutely is easy to use, easy to understand and covers all of the topics I’ve had to self-teach myself in an organization with no dedicated development staff. Your idea around creating a culture of philanthropy really resonated with me because I absolutely agree that everyone plays a role in fundraising – it’s about connecting the dots. I also listened to the teleseminar on monthly giving, and you’re right, it’s a no brainer. I’m going to get this started!
Thanks Pam – this is a great reference guide with practical tips that I can put to use right away.
Caroline Tillier
Program Advocate
Seattle, WA
But how do you know this will work for you, in your small fundraising office? Why should you believe me?
Here’s my story:
Back in 2001, I quit my job with one of the Philadelphia region’s largest grantmaking foundations to take on a development position with a small community health agency . My task? To create a development department from the ground up.
I don’t need to tell you that it was challenging!
Thanks to a successful local businessman, this particular organization had run a hugely successful capital campaign just five years prior, raising over $5 million for a new facility.
And what had they done since?
Nothing. Nada. Not a thing.
- Major donors were ignored.
- Not a single foundation grant proposal had been written in five years.
- The organization had memberships with a number of key community organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club, yet hadn’t had any contact with any of them in years.
- The businessman who had spearheaded the capital campaign was deceased and none of the data from that campaign was available to me.
- The organization had no website.
- The organization’s annual membership campaign had been outsourced to a succession of different mail-houses. The resulting product was a mess (and donors noticed). Members of the community were angry and the campaign had steadily lost donors and dollars for the past five years.
And the more I dug, the worse things looked.
The closest I’d come to fundraising experience was reviewing grant proposals at my old job.
Frankly, I thought that I’d taken on more – much more – than I could handle.
I can still recall today how, two weeks after starting and close to tears, I called my best friend and mentor to share with him all the negatives I was uncovering on a daily basis. I had no idea where to start. Talk about a pity party.
His response?
“How many people get to create their own job????”
That was a light bulb moment for me! I began to get excited.
The very next day I sat down at my desk and mapped out a strategy. I made:
- A plan for grants,
- A plan for public relations
- A plan for a website (the organization didn’t have one), and
- A plan for growing individual donors.
And then I did one of the smartest things I’ve ever done – something that I continue to do ten years later.
It’s not something that you’ll ever find in a typical “development” course or workshop.
But it will make a major difference in your fundraising as you use it in the next year. It’s just one of many ideas you’ll be shaking your head, wondering why you hadn’t learned this years ago.
So what happened after I used this formula? Fast forward a short 12 months and we had:
- Raised nearly $150,000 in foundation support, much of it general operating support,
- increased our individual giving by a full 25% – and reduced costs by 31%,
- begun successful outreach to local businesses, bringing on corporate sponsors like Whole Foods,
- implemented a number of successful community health initiatives,
- established a weekly column in our local newspaper,
- launched our first website fully equipped for online giving AND
- begun a major gifts program!
All in a mere 15 hours a week! And since then I’ve learned so much more. I’ve raised over $15 million in funding and replicated that early success with dozens of small nonprofit organizations, just like yours. And I’m about to share my secret formula for success with you.
Are you new to nonprofit fundraising and a little overwhelmed at the scope of your job? Or perhaps you’re a seasoned pro who’s smart enough to know the best never stop learning?
Either way, Pamela Grow’s Simple Development Systems eBook is a fantastic resource.
No time to read? What if someone put together, in one easy to read book, advice and tips from some of the smartest, most creative people in the field? And packaged it with links and worksheets to make sure you get the most from the experience?
Pamela shares her know-how in all areas of fundraising, and then brings in other experts to write about their particular areas of expertise. She pulls it together in a bright, conversational style – like a note from a good friend – if that friend happened to know an awful lot about fundraising!
You have time for this. In fact, you don’t have time to NOT read it. You’ll know more, work smarter and most importantly, get better results.
Mary Cahalane
Development Manager, Individual Giving
Riverfront Recapture, Inc.
Are you feeling overwhelmed in your job right now? Let’s be honest. Spearheading a one-person development department can feel like you’re spinning 10 glass plates in the air. You’re the grant proposal writer, database administrator, director of individual gifts, webmaster, event planner, social media director and more! And every day it seems as if “they” – the trendsetters – are dangling more bright shiny objects in front of your face. Honestly, in a small fundraising shop, I don’t look at “trendsetters” I have a hard enough time keeping my head above water as it is.
Simple Development Systems will cut to the chase, leaving you with the framework to develop a successful donor-centric development plan for your organization. Why donor-centric? You’re looking to build lifetime donors and raise the money your organization needs now – and in the years to come – aren’t you?$49.99
Here’s just some of what you’ll be learning:
- How shifting your focus from money to building relationships will take the stress out of fundraising (and raise more money!)
- How to tell an emotional story that engages your supporters at their deepest core
- Who your best donor is – and why knowing matters
- What donor-centricity really means (you only think you know)
- How to create a marketing mix so you’re always in your supporters’ hearts
- How to create a donor newsletter that brings in money all year long
- How to create your organization’s monthly giving program – and how to grow it!
- How to write direct mail appeals that touch the heart – and reel in the dollars!
- How to use email to build relationships
- How to streamline your grants program with general operating support
- How to select the database that’s right for your organization – now and five years from now
- How to create a manageable strategy for social media
- How to create a bequest program
I just want to say THANK you! I have learned a wealth of information from you. I have enjoyed Simple Development Systems and highly recommend it. I like that you are not offering “quick fixes,” but instead real methods for improving on so many levels! Being new to fundraising and the nonprofit world in general I find myself visiting your blog regularly for ideas and advice. I know you have plenty of clients but please know I will always be more than happy to recommend you and your work. I look forward to continuing to learn from you.
Tyler Wilson
Power of P.L.A.Y. Foundation
Member of Simple Development Systems pilot coaching program
Regular readers of The Grow Report, my weekly ezine, know that I’m a huge believer in sharing the best resources out there. That’s why you’ll benefit not only from my expertise but from the guidance of a host of seasoned experts who have contributed to Simple Development Systems. People like
- Ken Burnett, Author of such classics as Relationship Fundraising, Tiny Essentials of an Effective Volunteer Board and The Zen of Fundraising, among others.
- John Haydon, Author of Facebook for Dummies and nonprofit marketer extraordinaire,
- Nancy Schwartz, Nonprofit marketer, creator of “The Nonprofit Tagline Report” and writer at the Getting Attention blog,
- Jules Brown, direct mail copywriter for some of the biggest charities in New Zealand and Australia,
- Lucy Gower, Fundraising Innovator and UK fundraising expert,
- Mazarine Treyz, Author of The Wild Woman’s Guide to Fundraising and expert at getting mega-sponsorships for events
- Gail Perry, Author of Fired Up Fundraising, Turning Board Passion into Action,
- Robert Weiner, host of TechSoup’s Technology for Fundraising online,
- Marc Pitman, Author of “Ask without Fear!” and major gift coach,
- And many others who have come together to offer their expertise to you in Simple Development Systems!
This book has eight chapters, ranging from how to effectively tell your story, to grants, to stewardship, to events, and everything in between. Many chapters feature short Tales from the Trenches. Additionally I’ve included a number of must-read articles from my websites and scads of bonuses. Worksheets, samples and templates are included in the accompanying toolkit.
“Pamela Grow’s new book, “Simple Development Solutions, Successful fundraising for the one-person shop” is exactly as promised – a simple, thorough framework for donor-centric development. As a very busy one-person department, I found it straightforward and well worth my time – even in early November. It’s packed with easy, high-impact action steps from Pam, and an amazing amount of valuable content and links from experts like Tom Ahern, Ken Burnett and Jules Brown.
My first pass resulted in sticky notes for immediate reference on: a terrific grants chapter, a link to Harvey McKinnon’s teleseminar on establishing a monthly giving program, “20 Phrases that will make your donor feel like a hero” (from, and the bonus “10 Steps to Getting Your Nonprofit More [event] Sponsorships Fast.”
Having all these resources together in one place is a huge value. The language is clear and the recommended actions are tried and true and realistic for a single person shop. Thank you Pam!”
Ann Schutt, Fund Development Coordinator for a non-profit health agency
In the Resources section of this book, you’ll find my favorite selected online resources. Because this is an ebook in pdf format, you’ll be able to click directly on links as you read and instantly go to the accompanying resource.
As a bonus for ordering Simple Development Systems before December 31st, 2011, you will have full access to the 90 minute webinar Profitable Donor Newsletters from Tom Ahern
as well as recorded teleseminars from leading experts such as Lisa Sargent, Mal Warwick, Harvey Mckinnon, and more
to watch or listen to at your convenience. These alone are valued at over $500.00
At a mere 120 pages, Simple Development Systems is a short read. Don’t mistake short for lacking in substance – or results. This book is packed chock-full of information for the small shop, cutting out all of the fluff and leaving you with a plan for donor-focused fundraising now and into the future.
“I just received my copy of Simple Development Systems: Successful fundraising for the One Person Shop. I felt like it was written just for me! What a gift! As I begin my new position as Director of Development at Saint Rose of Lima School, Simple Development Systems will be my Bible!
The book is invaluable to me, with tools and resources I would never have access to without Pam! Thank you.”
Jane Mensack
Development Director
St. Rose of Lima School
Another bonus? Simple Development Systems will be revised and updated on a regular basis, and you’ll always have access to the latest version.
You can raise exponentially more money for your nonprofit. And Simple Development Systems can help you get it done, by giving you the steps to raise money now and well into the future. And it’s right here, right at your fingertips, waiting for you to take that next step.
Think of it:
You’ll be sitting at your desk in the morning as usual, cup of coffee in hand, when your office manager drops by with the mail. And instead of one check, or two, there will be ten remit envelopes, then the next day twenty, then a big grant check!
Imagine telling your coworker the good news, their program got funded for another year! And doing a little dance together!
Imagine typing in those new numbers on your board report, how happy you’ll feel shaking hands at the board meeting, and listening to admiring compliments on your new success!
Whether you’re new to nonprofit development or a seasoned pro, you can map out a solid strategy for donor-centric fundraising, and succeed!
“Even though Pamela Grow is well-known for her grantwriting advice, I want to let you in on a little secret: She’s a fantastic nonprofit marketer too! Her new book is so easy to read, that it’s like sitting down for a cup of tea with your development mentor, who helps you get your feet under you and get those early wins in a new development job. From helping you choose your donor database to best practices to getting your email newsletter opened and having people click on the donate button, Simple Development Systems has it all. I learned a lot by reading Pamela Grow’s Simple Development Systems, and I think you will learn a lot too.”
–Mazarine Treyz, Author, The Wild Woman’s Guide to Fundraising
It’s time for you to decide.
My consulting rate averages out to $150 an hour, making my services prohibitive for many small nonprofit organizations. But now, for a limited time, the Simple Development Systems eBook and accompanying toolkit of templates and worksheets is being offered at the low price of $49.99. After January 1, 2012 the price goes up to $79.99.
It’s easy to get started right away. Click the order link below to be taken to a secure order page provided by my authorized reseller, Clickbank. After you’ve submitted your credit card information and other details you’ll be taken to the private webpage where you can download all the files. The book Simple Development Systems is in eBook format.
Only $49.99

100% Risk-Free Guarantee:
Your success in using Simple Development Systems is completely guaranteed.
If, after reading the ebook and completing the assignments, you truly believe I haven’t delivered on the promise to show your organization the keys to sustainable funding then let me know within the first 30 days of purchase and I’ll issue you a prompt and courteous refund. Is that fair or what? How many workshops or training courses have you attended that offered a guarantee?
Look at it this way — $79.99 special introductory price of $49.99 is a small price to pay compared to the money you’re going to raise for your organization this year.
PS: Still not sure? Download the Table of Contents before you decide.
PPS: Questions? I’d be happy to chat. Email me at or call me at (484) 297-2186.