Fundraising Friday | March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019

Amara, a Tacoma-based nonprofit organization, is dedicated to finding loving, supporting families for foster children. And they’re sharing beautiful stories. This week’s Power of Storytelling.

How are you showing your donors that you care about them beyond their financial support? This week’s What’s in my Inbox with a terrific example of non-financial engagement.

Fundraising was dull in 2000. But now it’s a shit show. The Problem with Fundraising Information Overload.

How are you showing your donors that they matter? New from Mary Cahalane.

Using this one word is the single most powerful way for leaders to be instantly likable according to neuroscience.

There is no digital revolution in charities*. And probably never will be. An intriguing read.

Don’t Worry – Rich People Are Here To Save Us. This week’s must-read from The Agitator/Donor Voice. Pay particular attention to the question: where do major donors come from?

Online giving is growing, yes. “But online is not growing so quickly that we can throw out other things, despite what your new social media coordinator or board member blanching at your cost of fundraising might think.” Online Giving At the Big Kids Table. From The Agitator/Donor Voice.


If you caught this week’s Motivate Monday, you discovered how creating donor personas can focus your nonprofit fundraising. To make it even easier for you, download your free Donor Persona exercise and learn how writing for one can invigorate your nonprofit marketing.

Learning Opportunities

Would you like to double the results of your spring direct mail appeal? Plan to join us for Your Spring Campaign, a class that combines the power of direct mail with online fundraising, resulting in your best campaign ever. Learn more and enroll.

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