What’s In My Inbox | Long live Lume: how deodorant company’s story warmed my heart!

April 3, 2019

I recently purchased Lume deodorant online after hearing good things about it (including that it’s aluminum-free). Now I’m on their email list and I loved this recent story they shared. Yes, a deodorant company shared a great story. Not only was the content great, but the way they shared it — from email to blog — worked really well, too.

I’m not going to rehash the narrative in full here, but I will point out a few key things. First off, the email header instantly piqued my interest: Little girl with a rare disorder gets a big win. How could I not want to read on right away?

Sharon Klingman, MD, founder of Lume, opens by talking about her desire to change peoples’ lives. This sounds not only familiar but feels relatable. But how can deodorant change peoples’ lives? Reading the joyful testimonial from Honey Stecken, mother of five-year-old Maren, sheds some light on that. It also kicks off their story. At just two weeks old, Maren was diagnosed with a rare metabolic condition called propionic acidemia, which caused her to have a constant embarrassing odor. Her parents — and doctors — tried everything but to no avail. As you might imagine, this made her day-to-day life challenging, especially when it was time for her to begin school.

To finish reading Maren’s story, I then had to click on a link, which took me to Lume’s blog. It was a seamless transition, especially because of how engaged I already was. Not only did I get to read more about Maren’s challenges (and how Lume helped her conquer them), I got to “meet” Honey and Maren over the course of a short video. Dr. Klingman, inspired to meet Honey and Maren, flew over to Colorado to film their story. And what a heartwarming story it is. It’s a story of hope. Lume has helped Maren gain confidence. She’s a normal kid now, and she’s no longer afraid to be around other kids. She’s gotten her childhood back.

Check out the blog, download the email, and check out the video…

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