Fundraising Friday | July 12, 2019

July 12, 2019

Each donor is different. How can you use data to show all your donors love, while still being strategic? During a Motivate Monday from earlier this year, T. Clay Buck, CFRE, joined us to present Focus on What Matters (A data-inspired look at setting fundraising priorities), where he provided some insight on data, an invaluable segmentation tool. Lessons from Motivate Monday.

What can we learn from political fundraising? Mainly this: “Data from political fundraising shows that engaging large groups of people who give small amounts can lead to record-breaking sums.” Why College Fundraisers Should Focus on Small Gifts. New from The Chronicle of Philanthropy.

The brilliant Nell Edgington asks, “What if nonprofit leaders approached fundraising from the powerful position of equality?” Indeed. The Power of Fundraising as an Equal of Your Funders.

Our sector has hang-ups. So many hang-ups. And many of them revolve around writing. Trying to sound “smart” to our supporters. Everyone’s a copywriter. Right?

The Agitator poses an interesting question: Are Smaller Organizations Missing Out on The Direct Mail Advantage? (Answer: not if they’re taking our direct mail class and actually implementing, they’re not.)

Whip-smart Ligia Pena, Global Legacy Manager at Greenpeace International, is my go-to resource on all things legacy giving. What legacy best practices you should apply today?

Are you a word nerd too? You’ll love 21 Rhetorical Devices Explained.


Fundraising is down? But NOT if you’re following these 10 Ways to Make 2019 Your Most Successful Fundraising Year Ever.

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