Lessons From Motivate Monday | Better grants through better budgets

February 19, 2020

Have you ever battled to get the numbers you need to write a strong grant proposal?

Your project budget can make or break your proposal. So how do you get your finance team on board? Our Motivate Monday guests, Amanda Day and Kimberly Hays De Muga, know that the struggle is real. The brainchild behind Fundraising HayDay, these ladies have over 40 years of grant and fundraising experience between them. We were lucky enough to have them deliver their expertise and wisdom over a power half-hour, in a presentation called Strange Bedfellows: Learning to Love Your Finance Team. Witnessed the initial magic that was happening and want to revisit it? Or did you miss out and hope to soak in their insight for the first time? Either way, we got you.

This dynamic duo provides insight on how to create a solid working relationship between development and finance teams, which results in successful grant proposals.

Amanda and Kimberly cover a lot of ground, including:

  • How to bridge the language barrier and deal with jargon
  • Why budgeting first is vital
  • Relationship building all year long and being mindful of deadlines (do *everything* in advance!)
  • A grants task force for larger organizations
  • Ways to build a document library so that all you need is accessible when you need it
  • And so much more!

This subject matter can be intimidating but Amanda and Kimberly break down the topic in a way that is not only easy to follow, but welcoming. The fact that they have plenty of stories to share is a reminder they’ve been exactly where you are. Relationships are at the heart of every aspect of fundraising life, and they are all important. Take some time out of your day to listen to this. You’ll learn how to be more confident in working with a finance team, and that confidence will only grow over time.

Check it out…


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