The Power of Storytelling | “The Look” explores being Black in America and you won’t forget it

July 30, 2020

Procter & Gamble released a short film called “The Look,” last year, but I’ve seen the video on multiple social media accounts more recently, and considering some of the crucial conversations that have been taking place within the past few months, it makes sense. Clocking in at just under two minutes, this clip reveals one man’s story of what it’s like to be Black in America. Along with the pain and anguish that come with it.

Those who clearly understand racism are those who’ve experienced it firsthand. The perspective of this video is through a person who is encountering racism as he goes about his daily life. Whether he’s taking his son to school, eating breakfast in a diner, catching an elevator to his office, or shopping in a store, this man is facing situations where racism is apparent, both to him and to us. This narrative is impactful. It’s heartbreaking. And it has a whole lot to say about justice.

It’s easy to see where this kind of storytelling fits into the larger conversation about racism and how Black lives are valued in this country. White people can never completely know or understand. But this piece scratches the surface and provides some clarity.

Check out the video below. I think you’ll agree that it’s a powerful 1 minute and 40+ seconds.

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