Lessons from MotivateMonday | Are You Forgetting the Most Important Piece of Your EOY Campaign?

October 11, 2022


In the nonprofit sector, we talk (a lot) about how to write an effective fundraising appeal letter.

We even talk (not enough) about how to design a pack that gets your envelope opened, gets read, and gets responded to.

But what’s missing in this equation?

Exactly WHO is reading your letter?

When you’re sending the exact same letter out to each and every donor in your database, your donors may be thinking…

“Gee, do they know that I volunteer my time every month?”

“I’ve been a monthly supporter for four years now. Don’t they know that I already give?”

“Gosh, it’s been six years since I donated to them. Why do they keep hounding me?”

Your donors support you for a variety of reasons. And when you don’t segment your donor base and speak personally to your donors as well as you possibly can, given the data you have, you risk leaving money on the table.

Lots of it.

I was lucky to learn this lesson early on in my career when I segmented a tiny donor base of less than 500 into eight different groups — and increased funding by well over 30%.

If you’re scared of data, you’re not alone. But if you don’t measure your fundraising, you can’t improve it.

Do yourself and your mission a favor and carve 30 minutes out of your day to view this succinct training at what you want to look at when segmenting your donor base for your EOY appeal.

Sam LaPrade, CFRE provides donor data analytics, fundraising strategy and audits, staff and board coaching, and more. She can be reached at samlaprade.com.

MotivateMonday is a 30-minute free weekly micro-webinar for nonprofit professionals held every Monday at 1:00 pm EST. Sponsored by Bloomerang.

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