How are you connecting with your donors NOW, at a time when every day brings a fresh assault on humanity?
Answer: With love. Always.
In their latest email newsletter, Plainsong Farm writes of love…
“The rhythms of tending the land, nourishing neighbors, and grounding in hope draw us into a bigger love– a love for Harry the self-important rooster, a love for the soil, a love for the driver who rolls down their window to ask if there are any tomatoes available, a love garter snakes, a love for the eight year old full of questions, a love for that which we so quickly ignore, a love for the whole ecosystem.”
And they close with a question for all of us:
“We cannot do this work without you. How are you cultivating connection in your community? What are you mourning? How are you grounding yourself in hope? “
Plainsong Farm is a living laboratory for farm-based environmental education and discipleship. Volunteers and staff grow local, healthy food for their neighbors, including people who can’t afford to buy it. And people learn how our food connects us all to the earth and one another.
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