Fundraising Friday | December 12, 2014

December 12, 2014



One of the recent respondents to my Welcome survey wrote that the one thing she wanted to accomplish in the next six months was to “Move at least 50% of my current donors to the next giving level.” When asked what was standing between her and this goal, she responded, “Donors personal limitations.” Remember two important rules: one, there are no limitations and two, never assume. Here’s a wonderful story you’ll appreciate.

The way we communicate the extraordinary, life-changing nature of (our) experience for both recipients and donors needs to quicken pulses, open minds, and inspire hearts. The Amazing, wonderful, magical work of nonprofits. New from Devin Hermanson.

Learning Is the Most Celebrated Neglected Activity in the Workplace. New from Harvard Business Review.

New must read from Gwen Chapman, Another Donor Complaint – So Who Cares?! And after you read that, pick up this New Automated Fundraising Tool. Free. Forever. Courtesy of The Agitator.

Delight to Connect (Case Study: Relationship Building). New from Nancy Schwartz.

It’s true, most fundraisers aren’t doing what it takes to attract millennials. And that’s okay, because people in their 20s and 30s are just not very good prospects. Jeff Brooks.

What can you do when you’re just starting out, without a large donor base and no funding for acquisition? What’s in my Mailbox | Smart business makes smart fundraising.

What’s in my Inbox | Holiday e-appeals and light boxes. Gorgeous holiday emails and corresponding light boxes you’ll love!

Marlene Oliveira with Graphic creation tools for nonprofit marcom pros.

Are you bothering people…or inspiring them? New from Mary Cahalane.

What’s next in fundraising? Simon Scriver.

In a survey, 23% of respondents were “interested now” in “making a gift to charity in my will.” Only 12% were “interested now” in “making a bequest gift to charity.”
Why? Because “bequest” is what we call it. The high cost of jargon in fundraising. Jeff Brooks.


“… taking the time to plan – to think through your case for support, to think through the way you’re going to win that support – is the best way not to waste your time.” Via Mary Cahalane. Registration for Your Fundraising Plan and Case for Support ends today.  Basics and More™ Fundraising.

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