What’s in my Inbox | Your donor’s the hero with personalized video

January 26, 2016


By now, you’re probably well aware of this rule: a thank you letter must be addressed to the donor: Dear (name). But how about a video? Now, there’s something you don’t see everyday!

Once again, brought to you by my dear friend and Fundraising Grrl extraordinaire Rory Green, is a recent email straight from Covenant House Toronto, Canada’s largest homeless youth agency. One of her loyal supporters forwarded it on to her. Covenant House’s mission is to provide a safe place for homeless youth ages 16 – 24 to stay, along with services that include education, healthcare, job training, and aftercare.

The first thing you see in the email is a video and the second thing you see is a short letter.

What does the video have to say? Basically, you’re a hero. Just watch it. And take note of all the “yous.”

Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 7.13.52 PM

The letter, from their executive director, includes a short explanation of what the donor is about to watch and offers additional thanks to supporters. It’s one perfect package and really speaks to the donor’s mind and heart, furthering the awesome cycle of enthusiastic, passionate giving.

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