What’s in my Inbox | When disaster strikes: A beautifully integrated campaign

October 11, 2016

What's in my Inbox

In this installment of What’s In My Inbox, I’m again casting my spotlight on Mercy Corps, because they’ve reached out with yet another stellar communication, through both an email message and its accompanying video, which is chock full of gratitude.

So what’s right about this, and what makes it work as an integrated, powerful campaign? I’ll highlight a few key points:

  1. This message was inspired by Hurricane Matthew, which tore through Cuba, The Bahamas, The United States, Haiti, and others, leaving a path of devastating destruction in its wake. Mercy Corps is sure I’m aware of what’s been going on, because we are all aware, and I’m sure I speak for many when I say that we want do what we can in the face of this tragedy and its damaging effects. It’s easy to feel helpless when it comes to Haiti, because we can’t be there, but through donation opportunities provided by Mercy Corps, we can make a positive difference. A world of difference together, really.
  2.  Mercy Corps is focused on helping Haiti through helping its people rebuild their lives in the aftermath of Matthew. The campaign connected to their effort does not consist of a one-size-fits all donation page, instead favoring a wholly integrated approach. When I clicked on the link, I was directed to a specific campaign (Humanitarian Response Fund).
  3. After filling out my donation, I received a monthly giving upsell, and I couldn’t think of a better time to encounter this, really. I’d like to help empower Haiti, as well as other populations, beyond a one-time gift. Especially now, and especially today. Because disaster really can strike at any moment, and the faster Mercy Corps and their dedicated supporters can respond, the better.
  4.  There’s a video involved, too, which was included in my immediate thank you. It never hurts to be reminded once again that I’m helping to create positive change in the world, especially during a time of crisis, when the need is all the more urgent. I can still make a difference, even from behind my computer, and so can you. Gratitude expressed through the medium of video is rare enough that it feels like a novel experience when I encounter it, and perhaps that’s what makes it all the more meaningful. I, the donor, am being spoken to directly.

And that makes me want to go the extra mile. I may be thousands of miles away from Haiti, but my heart is with them. You can see why, and how, Mercy Corps has managed to resonate with me once again.


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