When I went to bed last night, my nerves were clawing at me from the inside. My anxiety had kicked into high gear, and I was filled with apprehension like never before. At that point, I had but a sliver of hope left that the best outcome would prevail, that history would be made, despite some stumbles along the way. But that all changed upon waking early this morning, when everything I was feeling was replaced with profound disbelief, disappointment, and despair. Not to mention uncertainty about the future. But that doesn’t even cover the magnitude of it, and I don’t think anything ever will. I’m still processing all of these emotions and what’s worse, I barely have the time, because I’ve got a flight to catch today.
As I hurriedly get ready and pack my suitcase, I’m inevitably finding ways to cope, because I know that I have to. Internally, I’m working toward reaching a clearer understanding of how this could happen, and why, and I know that achieving complete clarity by the end of today is impossible. Externally, my every move is tense, and I feel fragile and ghost-like. In my state of helplessness, I find myself grasping for things so far out of reach, of things I know deep down I cannot possibly change. I need to instead focus on what I can do, and that includes continuing to do what I’ve been doing on a daily basis for years now. I mourn today, but at the same time, I reach for my hope and my joy. It’s not lost and gone forever.
And you? The wonderful work you’ve done from the beginning is a testament to your capacity for creating positive change, and nothing can take that away from you. It still holds the power to inspire, deeply compel, and motivate, because, even in the face of a pain that feels too traumatic to be real, that cycle did not stop today.
So where do we go from here? Let’s please focus on what unites us, not what divides us, or what can potentially destroy us. Do not choose fear and do not choose helplessness. We are not powerless, and no election, regardless of the results, should ever make us feel that way. If anything, now more than ever, we need more light to fight against this darkness and utter chaos that hangs heavy in the air.
Grieve. Spend some time on self-care. And then figure out how to regain your composure. Don’t just move on — move forward and up, and keep on fighting the good fight. Continue to do what you do to make the world shine a little brighter, and don’t let the darkness consume you. I’m glad to know you, especially at a time like this.
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