What’s In My Inbox | What next? Communicating with your donors

November 15, 2016

What's in my Inbox

When I find myself in times of trouble, fellow fundraisers come to me, speaking words of wisdom…

For US fundraisers and nonprofit professionals who believe in a country that is a kind, respectful, safe, and aware nation and do their part to make it so, this last week has been nothing short of devastating. Donald Trump’s win shocked us to the core, adding a chaos and turmoil to our lives that wasn’t there before. Now, we look to the future with apprehension, wondering, sometimes even asking out loud, “What’s next?”

You see, for some, including myself, this election went far beyond politics and spoke directly to humanity and who we are as a nation. With everything that was at stake on November 8th, my personal reaction to the election was emotionally intense and, I kid you not, tantamount to mourning; something overwhelming, black, and somber. But like with any sort of loss, you manage to trek on, and your heart pretty much does, too.

We are feeling a lot right now, individually and collectively, as people who care. And chances are, you do still care. So how do you sort through the emotional and chaotic, while still being a productive fundraiser? Well, humanity is a crucial component of fundraising, and recognizing this is the first step. Reaching out to your people is more important now than it ever was, and that’s the next step. An exchange between you and them is bound to generate extra impact, especially now. It possesses the ability to reaffirm that our country is kind, respectful, safe, and aware, right when we need that reminder most. Our nation is all of that and more, because people like you care enough to make it so.

Below, you’ll find a sampling of communications that have landed in my inbox, spanning from November 9th and later. In a time of great distress and fear, my fundraisers brought me hope for our future, and they helped make me feel safe again. You can step up and be the beacon of hope that your supporters need right now. I know you can.


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