The Power of Storytelling | Let Grammarly gently guide your nonprofit storytelling

October 30, 2017

I was recently lost within the depths of the Internet. If you’re online often, going down virtual rabbit holes is probably nothing new for you. I don’t remember what I was watching, but I remember the commercials interspersed between the clip. Funny, huh?

There’s reasons why the commercials were memorable, though. First off, both were advertising one of my favorite apps of all time, Grammarly. Grammarly is free, unless you decide to take advantage of their monthly, quarterly, or annual subscriptions. Launched in 2009 by two San Franciscans, this English language writing-enhancement platform not only proofreads your text on the basis of over 200 grammar rules, it also checks for plagiarism.

Grammarly isn’t just one of my favorite writing apps, it’s one I recommend often to anyone who is in the business of telling a story — especially nonprofits who tell stories. If you’re a nonprofit, your need for storytelling is strong. This highly effective, user-friendly tool is the way to go.

But most importantly? Grammarly helps your writing to sound like you. It humanizes your language. Humanity is a major draw. It invites potential donors into the fold and provides a deeper level of understanding. Your stories are catalysts that can potentially motivate giving..if they’re compelling!

It’s fitting that these two Grammarly commercials had their own stories to tell. They spoke directly to me, both as a storyteller and as someone who writes every day. Check them out!

Write the Future


Because I write everyday, I am always learning. And because I’m a storyteller, I’m always on the quest to improve my narratives. If you are trying to do right by your donors, you’re giving them stories. Keep on writing them, and keep on improving them. Grammarly and The Hemingway App have both been invaluable to me.

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