What’s In My Inbox | Friday is prime time to reach out to donors with some feel-good fun

April 10, 2018

Just like direct mail, email lives on!

Yes, despite the influx of social media and texting, email is still the best online channel for developing a one-on-relationship with your donor. It’s a vital piece of the puzzle.

And one of the primary things to consider as you build your organization’s email program is the role of consistency. After all, if I sign up to receive your “updates” and don’t hear from you for 6 weeks, chances are good I’ll forget I ever subscribed in the first place and delete your emails. I might even opt to hit the “unsubscribe” button. Consistency creates an ongoing channel of communication. It’s hard to achieve any kind of meaningful support without this. Because in addition to creating an ongoing channel, consistency in your communications has the power to create trust.

When it comes to your donor relationships, can you think of anything more important than trust?

Check out this recent email that I received from Save the Chimps. Located in Fort Piece, Florida and established in 1997, it’s the world’s largest chimpanzee sanctuary. Friday is already worth celebrating for a few reasons, and Save the Chimps has just given me an extra reason: their April Wishlist Challenge, which provides an opportunity to bring both food and fun to the chimpanzees. This Happy Friday email is short and sweet, while also being fun and feel good. Reaching out to donors on a Friday is a smart move, especially with a “Happy Friday” type of email. You’ll be on their mind right before they head out of the office for the weekend.

I’ll add media.

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