The Power of Storytelling | Females are strong as hell, and we want them for Congress!

September 11, 2019

Do you remember when we spotlighted MJ Hegar’s brilliant campaign ad, “Doors,” last summer? The video served as my introduction to the incomparable Hegar, an Airforce veteran, politician, businesswoman, teacher, mother, and certified female badass. Well, surely you remember the minute-long gem that is 10 Hour Bus Ride. We showcased it within this space just […]

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The Power of Storytelling | Former female Marine’s campaign ad tells an emotional story through revealing the truth

September 2, 2019

Amy McGrath is a former Marine fighter pilot, US Naval Academy and John Hopkins alum, mother to three children, and all-around badass. In 2018, she ran for Kentucky’s 6th congressional district and narrowly lost to Republican incumbent Andy Barr. Now, McGrath is running for Senate, and she’s challenging Mitch McConnell. Her latest campaign ad, “10 […]

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Fundraising Friday | August 23, 2019

August 23, 2019

What’s one of the best systems your digital fundraising program can have? A welcome series for new donors, that’s what. Lessons from Motivate Monday with John Haydon. The second you hit “send” you see it — that glaring error. Relax. Here’s how you can make it right. This week’s What’s in my Inbox. Truth: What threatens daily wellbeing is NOT the same for everyone. This […]

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What’s In My Inbox | Yes, three simple words *can* still save your butt

August 21, 2019

We all know that sinking feeling. You hit send on an email and discover promptly after that you’ve made a typo. Or worse. Here’s the reality, though. I muck up. You muck up. We all muck up. It’s part of being human. Whoever you’ve emailed, whether it’s one person or a group, most likely understands. Deep […]

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The Power of Storytelling | Twitter storytelling that packs a colossal emotional punch

August 21, 2019

Kimberly Manning, MD, is someone I’ve followed on Twitter for a while now. Based in Atlanta, her Twitter bio is as follows: Doctor, mother, wife, blogger, writer, teacher, thinker, doer, believer, laugher, live-er, lover. All of the tweets that have been posted to her account are her own. A couple of days ago, she used her platform […]

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Lessons from Motivate Monday | John Haydon shows how to create a thank you email welcome series

August 19, 2019

When it comes to your donors, email is an amazing engagement tool. How are you creating a welcome email series for your new supporters? What steps are you taking? A carefully planned and executed series has the ability to not only create positive feelings but to encourage that a second gift. In a Motivate Monday […]

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Fundraising Friday | August 16, 2019

August 16, 2019

Planning on doing a monthly giving email ask? See how one of my favorite organizations did it in this week’s What’s in My Inbox. According to The Chronicle of Philanthropy, a shocking 51% of Fundraisers Plan to Leave Their Jobs by 2021. Why does it matter and how can you keep them? Download Encouraging Longevity in […]

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What’s In My Inbox | Preemptive Love shows how to do a monthly giving email ask

August 14, 2019

I first became aware of Preemptive Love Coalition when one of my Basics & More students told me that she was impressed by the thank you that she received after she made a donation. PLC’s mission is to provide safety to families who are trying to escape violence. They help them reclaim home and rebuild […]

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Fundraising Friday | August 9, 2019

August 9, 2019

When Palmetto Animal League ran their matching gift campaign, they were disappointed. They only raised roughly $3500 of a $10,000 match. But look what happened this year when they implemented a few simple tweaks (including incorporating the power of direct mail)! Analysis paralysis is a real thing. And, in fundraising, there’s power, real power, in […]

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[CASE STUDY] Palmetto Animal League’s Matching Gift Campaign sees a 220% increase

August 6, 2019

Located in South Carolina, Palmetto Animal League (PAL) is a key player in the no-kill animal movement. This Ridgeland-based nonprofit is an animal rescue organization dedicated to saving the lives of neglected and abused animals. Their facility includes a community clinic, adoption center (which serves as PAL’s headquarters), and thrift store. PAL facilitates fostering and […]

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Fundraising Friday | August 2, 2019

August 2, 2019

Is Ritchie Torres exactly who New York needs right now? We think so! This week’s Power of Storytelling with an inspiring video. There is an “art” form to creating an effective direct mail fundraising appeal. See how an ask from my local art center fell terribly flat in this week’s What’s in my Mailbox. Do you ever wonder […]

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Power of Storytelling | Ritchie Torres is exactly who New York needs right now

July 31, 2019

It’s often said that New York is the tale of two cities. There’s the gilded city, and then there’s the other city.  -Ritchie Torres Ritchie Torres is the youngest elected official in New York. He became a member of the New York City Council in 2013, when he was just 25 years old. Two weeks […]

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What’s In My Mailbox | Your fundraising “appeal” from a donor’s perspective

July 31, 2019

Imagine it for a moment…  Your organization’s fundraising appeal lands in your donor’s (or prospective donor’s) mailbox. She’s had a busy day and she’s looking forward to kicking back and putting her feet up. You have but a few short moments to get her attention (I always envision my prospect sorting their mail over the […]

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Fundraising Friday | July 26, 2019

July 25, 2019

Where do you start when it comes to creating your most essential communication pieces? It’s easier and more basic than you might think. These seven communication pieces are critical to your nonprofit’s growth. Lately, I’m noticing a disconcerting trend on nonprofit donation pages. The ask string starts at a very high figure (I recently noted […]

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Seven communication pieces every nonprofit needs

July 24, 2019

You’re busy! At any time of the day, you’re working on developing moves management processes, entering data into Quickbooks, launching an endowment campaign, scheduling “friendraiser” events, putting the final touch on next week’s gala, getting a “massive number of grants” submitted, starting your monthly giving program, building the infrastructure of your development office, working on […]

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Fundraising Friday | July 19, 2019

July 19, 2019

How are you letting your supporters know that they’re valuable partners and giving them the tools they need to take action? Anchorage-based nonprofit Abused Women’s Aid in Crisis in this week’s What’s in my Inbox. How can small shops use the power of personal to set their organizations apart from the pack? Here’s how! Are you missing important donors? Probably! New from […]

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The Power of Personal for Small Shop Fundraisers

July 17, 2019

There are over 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States. Some of the bigger nonprofits have nationwide (and global) appeal. Their names and brands are instantly recognizable to the masses. UNICEF. Big Brothers & Big Sisters of America. St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Smaller nonprofits can often feel like little fish in a big ocean. […]

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What’s In My Inbox | AWAIC knows “we” can light the way through the dark…together

July 17, 2019

Anchorage-based nonprofit Abused Women’s Aid in Crisis (AWAIC) is the largest safe shelter in Alaska, and their mission is to help women who are facing domestic violence. Through intervention and prevention programs, they attempt to save women and their families from the ongoing cycle of violence. The work that they do isn’t just life-changing, it’s […]

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Fundraising Friday | July 12, 2019

July 12, 2019

Each donor is different. How can you use data to show all your donors love, while still being strategic? During a Motivate Monday from earlier this year, T. Clay Buck, CFRE, joined us to present Focus on What Matters (A data-inspired look at setting fundraising priorities), where he provided some insight on data, an invaluable […]

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Lessons From Motivate Monday | Focus on What Matters (A data-inspired look at setting fundraising priorities)

July 10, 2019

Each donor is different. How can you use data to show all your donors love, while still being strategic? During a Motivate Monday from earlier this year, T. Clay Buck, CFRE, joined us to present Focus on What Matters (A data-inspired look at setting fundraising priorities), where he provided some insight on data, an invaluable […]

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