What’s In My Inbox | Heifer nails interactive, humorous fun in fundraising!

July 3, 2019

I’ve spotlighted nonprofit communications from Heifer International before, and I often discover great pieces from them via email. Based in Little Rock, Arkansas and founded in 1944, this global nonprofit is dedicated to ending hunger and poverty. Heifer’s solutions are rooted in sustainability, social principals and values, and transforming communities. Teaching communities education and self-sufficiency are […]

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Fundraising Friday | June 28, 2019

June 28, 2019

The latest GivingUSA report is out and the news ain’t good. How will smart fundraisers cope? We’ve got a class for that! Giving USA 2019 | How to fundraise smarter, not harder. We see our students experience their biggest fundraising campaign success through the power of multichannel. But how can you compete with the big […]

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What’s In My Mailbox | Ten Oaks goes multichannel with blazing success

June 26, 2019

You create intentional magic. I received an email from Ten Oaks Project in my inbox yesterday. Those four words served as the email header, and they were followed by (punctuated with) a rainbow. A symbolic reminder of June being Pride Month, as well as the very special work TOP does for the 2SLGBTQ+ (two-spirit, lesbian, […]

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OrangeTheory musings that actually relate to your fundraising right now

June 26, 2019

These days, every Tuesday and Thursday morning, you’ll find me in the middle of an OrangeTheory class. I’ve been curious about the workout that’s taking the country by storm ever since a friend of mine used it to get in shape for her wedding (and did she ever!).  My usual workouts hadn’t been cutting it […]

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Could This Be Your Organization’s Fundraising GPS?

June 26, 2019

As a kid during the heyday of the American road trip, it helped to have two parents who each knew their way around a map. For my mom and dad, navigating the 50 states by maps came instinctively to them. I don’t remember ever once getting lost, though my mom did have to occasionally nudge […]

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Fundraising Friday | June 21, 2019

June 21, 2019

Cat butt art is a thing? Well, yes, if you’re Galveston Arts Center. See how Galveston Arts Center brings humor to their social media updates. PFLAG is working to make sure that all people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer are not only valued by society, but take pride in and value themselves. […]

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What’s In My Inbox | Galveston Arts Center brings humor to their social media updates

June 19, 2019

If you find cat butts offensive, then you should probably stop reading now. Galveston Arts Center, a Texas-based nonprofit, works to make visual art accessible to the general public. Through exhibitions and educational programming, GAC creates spaces where people can take time to enjoy and engage with art. They’re bringing art to the community, and […]

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The Power of Nonprofit Storytelling | PFLAG celebrates Pride Month through emotional storytelling

June 19, 2019

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re well aware that this month (June) is Pride Month. We’re all about celebrating it, but when it comes to spotlighting this phenomenal LGTBQ+ viral video sensation making the rounds, we’re slightly late to the party. For Pride Month, Verizon has partnered up with nonprofit organization PFLAG to bring […]

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Fundraising Friday | June 14, 2019

June 13, 2019

Toronto Wildlife Centre, a Basics & More alum, does social media storytelling right. This week’s Power of Storytelling. Tests consistently reveal this simple truth: enewsletters will never generate the kind of revenue that print does. What’s in My Mailbox. My eyes actually HURT this morning trying to read your reverse type email. Here’s the science […]

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Charity Auctions 101: The Introductory Guide for Nonprofits

June 12, 2019

If your nonprofit is in the process of planning your next fundraising event, consider hosting a charity auction to bring your donors together in support of your current project. Charity auctions are popular fundraisers because they’re enjoyable to attend and highly effective. Your charity auction creates the perfect atmosphere for your donors to mingle with […]

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The Power of Storytelling | TWC rocks their social media with great stories

June 11, 2019

Toronto Wildlife Centre is dedicated to building a healthy community where humans and wildlife can peacefully coexist. In addition to providing medical care to injured and sick animals and releasing them back into the wild, TWC also offers wildlife education and advice to the public. From their hotline and hospital to their many volunteering opportunities, […]

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Fundraising Friday | June 7, 2019

June 7, 2019

How can you write to your donor in a way that makes it personal and real? Download our free Donor Persona worksheet and give your fundraising appeals the personal touch.  Guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Don’t miss this fun and fabulous video from Basics & More Alum, Julie Edwards and HSNEG. What […]

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What’s In My Inbox | HSNEGA balances hilarity and heart for #AdoptaShelterCat month

June 5, 2019

In our What’s In My Inbox feature, we like to highlight all sorts of ways nonprofits communicate with their donors, including through digital. The Humane Society of Northeast Georgia, a Basics & More™ Alum, knows how to work their social media spaces because they understand how vital these platforms are as communication tools. As a result, […]

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Fundraising Friday | May 31, 2019

May 31, 2019

Fraser Green’s “You Can’t Take It With You” is the legacy giving guide you need right now. Want to learn more about starting your planned giving program? Plan to join us for next week’s Motivate Monday session.  What is your storytelling missing? On Storytelling – The Good, The Bad, The Meh, Whatever. New from T. Clay Buck.  Are you in the middle of nonprofit founder’s syndrome? Rachel […]

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“You Can’t Take It With You” is the legacy giving guide you need right now

May 29, 2019

You are going to see yourself in this book. Those words appeared within the first few pages of the foreword of You Can’t Take It With You, the latest book from the fundraising team at Good Works. Right away, I understood this idea not so much as an expectation, but as a promise. For a while […]

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Fundraising Friday | May 24, 2019

May 24, 2019

Are you doing digital right? Takeaways for the small nonprofit from M+R Benchmarks.  How long should your fundraising appeal letter be? This week’s Power of Storytelling comes with a free downloadable storytelling exercise.  Do your board members say they’ll do anything but fundraise? Grab your free downloadable fundraising menu and relax!  The Power of Savvy […]

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Are you doing digital right? Takeaways for the small nonprofit from M+R Benchmarks

May 22, 2019

When this email landed in my inbox recently, I almost cried… “Does anyone else ever feel like they’re always behind and never, ever, ever going to catch up? Do you ever feel like you’re the ONLY person in your department or organization who knows what’s going on and people are constantly coming to you for […]

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The Power of Nonprofit Storytelling | How long should my fundraising letter be?

May 22, 2019

  Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. -Leonardo da Vinci How long does my letter need to be? I get asked this question a lot. In fact, it’s one of the most frequently asked questions I hear when it comes to discussing the nonprofit fundraising letter. And the answer is always this: As long as it […]

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What’s In My Inbox | Is this the best email thank you I’ve ever received?

May 16, 2019

Trócaire is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland. Since 1973, they’ve supported vulnerable people in the developing world, while also raising awareness of global injustice and poverty in Ireland. A few days ago, I made a donation to this organization. In return, I received a thank you email that really spoke […]

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Power of Nonprofit Storytelling | Your grants won’t get far without this key element…

May 13, 2019

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to regularly review grant proposals from nonprofit organizations? I’ve been there. For nearly seven years, I worked in programming and communications for a major Philadelphia grantmaking foundation.  And what did I discover over the course of my tenure, after reading thousands of grant proposals? Well, you might be […]

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