Fundraising Friday | March 15, 2019

March 15, 2019

Legacy marketing from Guinness? Who knew?! This week’s very fun Power of Storytelling. “Thank you for believing in WORT. And thank you for being a little bit odd, peculiar, and different. We couldn’t do it without you.” Made me feel all warm and fuzzy. This week’s What’s in my Inbox. How are you stewarding your […]

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5 tips for becoming a foundation grants prospect research detective

March 13, 2019

One of my pet peeves is reading advice in a fundraising book that instructs the reader to spend one or two days a year at a Foundation Center Cooperating Collections Library and consider their foundation prospect research a done deal. To truly build a base of solid foundation grant support (preferably general operating support), you’ve got to be […]

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The Power of Storytelling | Legacy marketing from Guinness? Who knew?!

March 13, 2019

Ask Direct is a direct response agency in Ireland. And Caoileann Appleby, Strategy Director at Ask Direct, recently published a blog post, Masterful Legacy Marketing in 90 Seconds, which I happened to catch on Twitter. Caoileann explained: At our Fundraising School legacy event the other week, there were a few ‘aha’ moments for the audience. But I […]

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What’s In My Inbox | WORT speaks directly to their WORTlings

March 13, 2019

WORT 89.9 FM is a longstanding listener-sponsored community radio station, based in Madison, Wisconsin since 1975. The station broadcasts an eclectic mix of music genres, along with a range of news and public affairs programming. WORT has won a slew of awards over the years, for everything from individual programs, to documentaries, to mid-2000s election […]

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Fundraising Friday | March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019

Amara, a Tacoma-based nonprofit organization, is dedicated to finding loving, supporting families for foster children. And they’re sharing beautiful stories. This week’s Power of Storytelling. How are you showing your donors that you care about them beyond their financial support? This week’s What’s in my Inbox with a terrific example of non-financial engagement. Fundraising was […]

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What’s In My Inbox | NRDC shows you how to do non-financial engagement right

March 6, 2019

You care about your supporters, and you want them to know. You see them as more than mere financial transactions. In fact, you see them as cool, varied, individual human beings, rather than an entity — a “donor base,” or a collective of people. If you want your donors to understand that you appreciate them […]

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What’s in my Mailbox | Free download: your “Fill-in-the-Blank” Fundraising Appeal Letter Template

March 6, 2019

Have you ever, despite your best efforts, produced a fundraising appeal letter that made you cringe in embarrassment? The kind of writing that, let’s face it, tends to be typical of many nonprofit organizations. Yes, the fundraising appeal letters featured on SOFII and in some of our best examples were crafted by copywriters with years […]

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Power of Storytelling | Amara’s storytelling page showcases an amazing story-by-video series

March 5, 2019

Amara, a Tacoma-based nonprofit organization, is dedicated to finding loving, supporting families for foster children. Amara’s goal is to help children to realize their full potential and thrive. Their emphasis is on family, love, stability, security, and permanence. This amazing nonprofit, a Basics & More Alum, is a graduate of our Nonprofit Storytelling class.  Check out […]

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Fundraising Friday: March 1, 2019

March 1, 2019

Print newsletters are your retention engines — and revenue generators. But email newsletters have a place in your fundraising as well. See a stellar example of how to engage and steward (hint: I read it from beginning to end!) in this week’s What’s in my Inbox. What is the biggest mistake today in nonprofit fundraising? […]

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What’s In My Inbox | How to do an enewsletter right: The Smithsonian’s enewsletter delights and fascinates

February 28, 2019

The Smithsonian boasts a reputation that’s not only national but international. Chances are, you’ve heard of the D.C.-based institution, which consists of the largest group of museums and research centers in the world. The Smithsonian’s annual operation costs and capital program revenues come from private trust fund assets and government funding. The majority of funds […]

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You Are Not Charity: Water. But You’re You, and That’s Awesome

February 26, 2019

Are you familiar with Charity: Water? Most people are. They’re the international nonprofit constantly lauded for their breakthrough marketing tactics. And they’ve built their brand entirely on digital. Known for how they engage with supporters through a compelling mix of content, video, copy, graphics, and photography, they’re now a $72 million dollar charity. And they […]

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Fundraising Friday | February 22, 2019

February 22, 2019

Could Green Eggs and Ham, the Dr. Seuss classic, be the essential primer for donor communications? You might be surprised… See how Planned Parenthood took advantage of Valentine’s Day in this week’s What’s in My Inbox. This month’s book drawing winner created a *delight and inspire* packet certain to inspire you. What’s in My Mailbox. […]

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What’s In My Mailbox | A thank you that’s worth a standing ovation

February 21, 2019

Manitoba Theater for Young People has brought the joy of theater to children and families since the early 1980s. Since their inception, MTYP has gained a reputation as one of Canada’s most respected theater companies, for children and adults alike. In addition to creating and developing new work, MTYP presents touring companies from around the […]

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What’s In My Inbox | I’ll gladly break Mike Pence’s heart any day of the week!

February 20, 2019

If nonprofit donor communications are even a blip on your radar, then Valentine’s Day is probably a no-brainer. Really, you can view each day as a chance to reach out to your donors and communicate. But some days are particularly noteworthy and offer you a special opportunity to make an impact. If we’re talking holidays, […]

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Green Eggs and Ham: The Essential Nonprofit Donor Communications Primer

February 17, 2019

Green Eggs and Ham is one of Dr. Seuss’ best-known children’s classics. Released nearly 60 years ago, it manages to capture kids’ attention to this day. While Dr. Seuss’ tales might seem like basic nursery rhymes, his stories go far beyond their simplicity. In fact, there is actually an interesting backstory, and it all started […]

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Is “customer service” a nonprofit thing? Well, yeah. It’s kind of critical…

February 13, 2019

As a nonprofit professional, do the words “customer service” ever cross your mind? Chances are, when it comes to nonprofit work, this phrase either never appears in your thoughts, let alone your vocabulary, or you think of it very rarely. The reality is, customer service doesn’t just belong within the realm of business and retail. […]

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Power of Storytelling | Why the time to help Second Chance Wildlife Sanctuary is now…

February 10, 2019

Second Chance Wildlife Sanctuary is a wonderful nonprofit that unfortunately has dealt with a heartbreaking tragedy recently. This beloved wildlife rescue, founded by the warm and wonderful Jim Bronzo, is based in Orlando, Florida. Jim cares for many different animals at SCWS, ranging from wild pigs to llamas to peacocks, and provides a safe home for these creatures. […]

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Fundraising Friday | February 8, 2019

February 8, 2019

Are you using your social media to grow your email list? Nonprofit marketing maven Julia Campbell shows you how in this episode of Motivate Monday. If I had a nickel for every nonprofit I’ve encountered without a consistent donor communications schedule, I’d be a very rich woman. This week’s What’s In My Inbox shows the power of […]

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12 Ways to Inspire and Delight Your Donors…With Examples!

February 6, 2019

How are you building those lifetime relationships that lead to monthly giving, major gifts, and legacy gifts? How do your supporters know that their gift is making an impact? How are you regularly inspiring and delighting your donors? In my work with thousands of nonprofits over the past ten years, I’ve found that, aside from […]

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What’s In My Inbox | Save the Chimps shows us the power of consistency

February 5, 2019

What’s one way you can gain yours donors’ trust, show them that giving to your organization was the right decision, and make sure that they don’t forget you? Consistency! If a donor (or prospective donor) signs up for your nonprofit’s enews or alerts, expecting you to touch base weekly or monthly, how are you living […]

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