What’s In My Inbox | Nashville Rescue Mission shows us who they are through Sonia

August 9, 2018

I’ve showcased communications from Nashville Rescue Mission before. They’re a Basics & More Alum and their print newsletter regularly brings in $2 million a year on the strength of Michelle Brinson Sanders’ strong storytelling. They’re also a nonprofit that knows how to tell a story. In my most recent email from NRM, they spotlighted a […]

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Power of Storytelling | Further teachings from Warby Parker for nonprofits everywhere

August 7, 2018

As we’ve pointed out just recently, Warby Parker realizes what a powerful tool storytelling can be. In the case of their identity and their brand, which has disrupted an industry worth billions, Warby Parker has used storytelling to communicate who they are, what they do, and who they help. Like nonprofits who value their donor […]

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What’s In My Mailbox | Donor gratitude is timeless and effective…and NECESSARY!

August 1, 2018

When it comes to your donors, is it possible to thank them too often? Probably not. Especially when, as Roger Craver notes in a recent blog post on The Agitator, so many nonprofits fail at saying thank you to their supporters. This failure is a top cause of attrition. Neglecting to say thank you to […]

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Power of Storytelling | See how stories can document works-in-progress

July 31, 2018

You know how powerful compelling nonprofit storytelling can be. You know that it’s an invaluable tool that not only impacts your nonprofit’s fundraising results, but is inextricably tied to who you are and what you do, as well as the relationships you share with your donors. Storytelling is part of our everyday lives and interactions, […]

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Fundraising Friday | July 27, 2018

July 27, 2018

How are you sharing your founder’s story? Warby Parker shares their story in a unique way. This week’s Power of Storytelling.  What could an *upsell* lightbox on your donate page do for your monthly giving program? Discover how to convert more monthly donors online in this Motivate Monday training. Are you tracking when donors arrive […]

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Lessons from Motivate Monday | What could an *upsell* lightbox on your donate page do for your monthly giving program?

July 25, 2018

Lightboxes can be annoying, but they’re also valuable fundraising tools. You may not know them by that name, but if you’ve engaged with the internet, and especially if you’ve completed transactions across the web, chances are, you’ve encountered them. What are they? A lightbox, also known as a shadowbox, is a pop-up box that appears […]

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Power of Storytelling | Warby Parker knows that storytelling is vital to their identity

July 24, 2018

Warby Parker is a New York-based online retailer of prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses, with retail locations located across the country. The company’s founding trio met not far from where I live, at the Wharton School of The University of Pennsylvania, as students in Wharton’s Venture Initiation Program. Shortly after Warby Parker’s 2010 inception, which was […]

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Fundraising Friday | July 20, 2018

July 20, 2018

When it comes to your digital communications, are you keeping it simple and direct? This week’s What’s In My Inbox. Can you believe it?? Year-end fundraising is right around the corner. How are you warming up your donors? This week’s What’s In My Mailbox. How do you get more people excited to attend your events without being pushy? And how […]

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What’s In My Mailbox | How are you *warming up* your donors?

July 18, 2018

In our donor comms classes on the Basics & More roster, we consistently recommend that you *touch* your donors a minimum of 12 times throughout the year. It might sound like a lot, but those who’ve gone forth and begun communicating more regularly with their donors report back that it’s actually pretty easy and winds […]

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What’s In My Inbox | National Audubon Society does simple and direct

July 18, 2018

I love birds. I enjoy watching them, especially in the tin birdhouse that hangs just over the deck outside of my kitchen. I marvel at how many wrens can fit into that tiny house, and at the music their chirping creates. Sometimes, it sounds like they’re having a party. On the opposite side of my […]

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Fundraising Friday, July 13, 2018

July 13, 2018

What, exactly, IS a *gratitude report?* It’s like an annual report, but not quite. For the past several years, we’ve been teaching the principles of gratitude reports at Basics & More™. And I’d have to say that this week’s Power of Storytelling is the most moving example of a gratitude report I’ve seen yet. Courtesy of John Lepp and Agents […]

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What’s In My Mailbox | Multichannel campaign mastery, courtesy of Ontario Nature

July 11, 2018

Research has shown that multichannel fundraising campaigns perform the best. If your organization is relying solely on digital for your campaign, chances are, you’ll wind up lost in the shuffle as more and more nonprofits embrace #GivingTuesday. Many smaller nonprofits turn to #GivingTuesday for their first foray into digital campaigns, but they often neglect to […]

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What’s In My Inbox | How are you providing value?

July 10, 2018

Pediatric nurse practitioner Karen Ridlon founded Eastside Baby Corner after she became concerned over the many babies in her practice who were beginning life without access to basic needs. While on the job, she witnessed a lack of adequate food, clothing, beds, and safety equipment. EBC began with a wonderful idea and Karen gathering a […]

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Power of Storytelling | The most moving gratitude report I’ve ever seen

July 9, 2018

Let’s be honest. The term “annual report,” on its face, can sound technical and stodgy, because reports so often evoke images of data in the form of numbers and charts. Even your oh-so clever infographic or postcard can’t save it. But what happens when you flip it — and give your donors the credit? Then […]

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Fundraising Friday | July 6, 2018

July 6, 2018

What do you do when you’re a woman running for congress on a pretty small budget? Go online of course! This week’s Power of Storytelling will make you cheer. You’ve got a mission statement, but do you have a values statement? Another great read from Mary Cahalane. Richard Turner is one fundraiser I’m proud to […]

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Power of Storytelling | MJ Hegar is a door-busting, wall-breaking warrior…on a budget!

July 2, 2018

In the face of the ongoing political horror show that is our Congress, MJ Hegar is currently on the frontlines of our democracy, fighting to create change despite having many doors slammed in her face by many men. A certified badass with her own incomparable brand of moxie and can-do, MJ announced her congressional candidacy as […]

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Fundraising Friday | June 29, 2018

June 29, 2018

Are you feeling story-stuck? This week’s Power of Storytelling is sure to get you “unstuck” with seven tips to inspire. Wondering what kind of images are best to share on social media (and which ones to AVOID)? From the brilliant John Haydon. Who might be lurking in your donor database that doesn’t necessarily scream “I […]

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A Nifty Tool to Help You Build Relationships With Foundation Funders

June 28, 2018

What if one simple tool could ensure that you never let a prospective foundation grant slip through your fingers again? In the six years I worked in programming and communications for a grantmaking family foundation I learned a lot about nonprofit management just from observing the grant proposals that crossed my desk. Of course there […]

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Power of Storytelling | Feeling story-stuck? Here are seven tips to inspire.

June 25, 2018

Do you struggle to find your organization’s best stories? Are you often at a loss, wondering which stories will resonate the most with your donors? What about framing the stories that you uncover to make them compelling? That can sometimes be a challenge too, can’t it? By now, I’m sure you already know that finding […]

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Fundraising Friday | June 22, 2018

June 22, 2018

Confession: this week’s Power of Storytelling has nothing to do with nonprofit fundraising. The story of the frozen kitten named Bagel was simply too good not to share. Have a smile – you need it this week. When it comes to your organization’s stories, do you think you have to be always reinventing the wheel? […]

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