Fundraising Friday | April 13, 2018

April 13, 2018

Is your nonprofit email marketing consistent…and fun? This week’s What’s in my Inbox. Do you ever feel like an impostor? Do you chalk your success up to luck, timing, or computer error? Do you believe “If I can do it, anybody can?” Do you agonize over the smallest flaws in your work? Do you worry […]

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Motivate Monday | Beating the Impostor Syndrome beast in fundraising life — and beyond!

April 11, 2018

Do you ever feel like an impostor? Confession: when I was named one of Fundraising’s 50 Most Influential by the venerable Civil Society Magazine, I felt like a fraud. Me…alongside my idol Ken Burnett! And renowned professionals like Adrian Sargeant, Tom Ahern, and Jeff Brooks! The magazine must have made some sort of mistake. Do […]

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What’s In My Inbox | Friday is prime time to reach out to donors with some feel-good fun

April 10, 2018

Just like direct mail, email lives on! Yes, despite the influx of social media and texting, email is still the best online channel for developing a one-on-relationship with your donor. It’s a vital piece of the puzzle. And one of the primary things to consider as you build your organization’s email program is the role […]

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What’s In My Mailbox | An annual report on a postcard? N Street Village shows how

April 4, 2018

N Street Village is a D.C.-based nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering homeless and low-income women in the area through offering an array of opportunities geared toward helping them live their best lives. Available options include services, housing, and advocacy. N Street Village is aware that some of these women struggle with stigma and shame, which […]

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What’s In My Inbox | #GrownAssAdult dogs win with APAMO’s newest campaign

April 3, 2018

The Animal Protective Association of St. Louis has a message for all of you doggy lovers out there: Please adopt a grown-ass adult dog. Maybe you already know that raising a puppy is a serious chore that involves time and commitment on your part — kind of like the responsibility that comes with raising a […]

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Fundraising Friday | March 30, 2018

March 30, 2018

March for Our Lives sends their message loud and clear: Never again. If you missed Emma González’s gripping speech, you can watch it in this week’s Power of Storytelling. Do you take the time to create opportunities that welcome feedback from your donors? Lisa Sargent has shared a wonderful example on Twitter that shows how […]

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What’s in my Mailbox | Handling expired or compromised credit card payments

March 29, 2018

When one of my credit cards was hacked – probably by an illegal gas pump skimmer – many of my automated payments, like insurance, faced the risk of cancellation. A hacked card. Expired or lost credit cards. What systems does your organization have in place for these everyday inconveniences? As a monthly donor to many […]

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The Power of Storytelling | March for Our Lives sends their message loud and clear: Never again

March 28, 2018

On March 24, 2018, March for Our Lives happened for the first time. Shortly after the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, student organizers led the demonstration in D.C., teaming up with the nonprofit Everytown for Gun Safety to plan a march to protest gun violence. The turnout in Washington was nothing short […]

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What’s In My Inbox | NARAL opens my eyes wide with their latest email (and quiz!)

March 21, 2018

The most recent email from NARAL to hit my inbox contained a quiz, which I’d never seen from them before, and rarely see in nonprofit communications to begin with. Answering each question and having my results assessed after I was finished turned out to be an eye-opener. I’m someone who tries to stay consistently informed […]

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Power of Storytelling | Kayla keeps sick kids smiling — and she makes us smile, too!

March 20, 2018

Kayla Cares 4 Kids is the triumphant outcome of a young girl’s determination in the face of adversity and boredom. Four years ago, when Kayla Abramowitz was just 11 years old, she was making countless hospital trips due to her battle with autoimmune diseases, and so was her brother, Ethan. Kayla not only wanted to […]

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Fundraising Friday | March 16, 2018

March 16, 2018

We’ve all got our horror stories. Is your boss or ED holding you back from successful fundraising? Change is possible, but it doesn’t usually happen overnight. Here’s help. No one exemplifies the sheer power of storytelling quite like HONY’s Brandon Stanton. Now he’s done it again, raising $1,943,443 of $1.8M goal, raised by 37,330 people […]

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Is your ED or board holding you back from successful fundraising?

March 14, 2018

“I’ve written the perfect appeal. But my boss won’t let me use it!” -a subscriber “Does anyone really READ those letters? I hate them!” -a nonprofit founder and Executive Director In my work, I hear variations of the above refrains on a regular basis. So in a recent Grow Report I asked my students and […]

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What’s In My Inbox | A one second survey? Zingerman’s shows you how…

March 13, 2018

You already know that surveys are an invaluable tool for building donor relationships. When discussing surveys and how to carry them out, I’ve made it clear more than once that short and sweet is the way to go. “Short and sweet” ensures that your donors’ attention won’t stray, and that they’ll actually complete your survey […]

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Power of Storytelling | Brandon Stanton once again proves that love conquers all

March 12, 2018

You probably already know who Brandon Stanton is and what he does, either from countless posts within this space that have featured him or reading and hearing about him in the news. Brandon utilizes HONY, his long-running storytelling curation space, as an agent of change to fight against an ongoing catastrophe that has impacted thousands […]

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Fundraising Friday | March 9, 2018

March 9, 2018

Think about it: your email welcome represents a prime opportunity for engagement. Are you {{{horrors!}}} using the standard message that comes with your email service provider? Engage potential supporters right from the start. Here are three to inspire you. If you were on my Bloomerang webinar last week, What Are Simple Development Systems And How Can […]

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Simple Development Systems Every Fundraiser Can Use: Beyond the Hour

March 7, 2018

Our March 1st Bloomerang webinar, What Are Simple Development Systems And How Can They Help You?, included an overview of a handful of the systems an organization needs to have in place in order to grow an effective individual giving program. Due to time constraints, we were unable to get to all of the questions […]

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Fundraising Friday | March 2, 2018

March 2, 2018

Do you know the history of how Andrew Carnegie’s philanthropy created the New York public library system? Can you imagine growing up in a public library and calling it home? This week’s Power of Storytelling. Do you sometimes feel damned if you do, damned if you don’t? These days there’s almost too much information out there. […]

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Power of Storytelling | A look through history reveals a beautifully moving story

February 27, 2018

Unsurprisingly, the history of The New York Public Library is a storied one. Just last fall, a narrative inextricably tied to their history revealed itself to the world; one that begun at the turn of the twentieth century, back when philanthropist Andrew Carnegie donated over $5 million to build more than 60 libraries through New […]

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Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t. What really matters?

February 27, 2018

Do you sometimes feel damned if you do, damned if you don’t? These days there’s almost too much information out there. Some of it — especially from companies marketing to the nonprofit community — is downright wrong, and little more than clickbait. It can make you feel like every little choice is momentous: Are we using the “right” font? […]

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Fundraising Friday | February 23, 2018

February 23, 2018

See how Tallahassee-based Big Bend Hospice Foundation, a Basics & More Alum, beautifully connects their donors to their stories in this week’s Power of Nonprofit Storytelling. You may have heard it directly from a donor:“Don’t waste my money on a paper thank you letter!” Perhaps your nonprofit is an environmental organization and you know that your donors […]

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