7 Highlights from The Copywriting Cure feedback session (of which there were many…)

September 28, 2017

What do you get when you bring three of the nonprofit sector’s best copywriters together? Participants in our Year-End Fundraising webinar series found out. Author of How to Turn Your Words into Money and The Fundraiser’s Guide to Irresistible Communications; Jeff Brooks, Super-heroine of Colludo; Sheena Greer, and Principal of Hands-On Fundraising; Mary Cahalane, all […]

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Keep your head held high and your eye on the prize — especially now (repost)

September 26, 2017

I, like so many of you, can’t help but notice how politics have impacted not only our lives, but nonprofit organizations all over the country. Some nonprofits, especially those with causes rooted in social justice, have responded directly to what’s been going on, galvanizing their supporters and viewing the ongoing unrest as a catalyst for change. […]

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Power of Storytelling | 20 years of video in less than 7 minutes

September 25, 2017

Heifer International is a nonprofit organization with a global reach, and they’re also an alumni of my Basics & More | Nonprofit Storytelling course. Engaging with communities around the world, Heifer works toward ending hunger and poverty by implementing sustainable, earth-friendly solutions. Celebrating their 20th anniversary of working in Nepal, the organization sought a way to […]

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Fundraising Friday | September 22, 2017

September 22, 2017

In this week’s Power of Storytelling, we learn that adopting a purple hippo has never been more compelling 😉 Think about fundraising from a business owner’s perspective for a minute. Imagine if you opened a neighborhood pizzeria and the neighbors poured in, one after another, for ‘za…and none of them returned for a second pie! […]

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Fighting Second Gift Syndrome head-on: What’s your process for securing that second gift?

September 20, 2017

When it comes to getting that second gift, not a lot of nonprofits have a process in place. Despite the fact that they really need one. Luckily, some of the most respected in the field are giving it — what I’ve come to call “Second Gift Syndrome” — the attention it deserves, lending some much-needed […]

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What’s In My Inbox | UNICEF USA brings hope and help during distress

September 19, 2017

How are nonprofits handling catastrophe right now? UNICEF USA illustrates a powerful example of how to deal with a disaster. Their most recent email to land in my inbox is to the point, urgent, and effective. It opens with harrowing imagery that conveys deep distress. The text superimposed over the photograph of a young boy […]

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Power of Storytelling | Adopting a purple hippo has never been more compelling ;-)

September 18, 2017

  Appleton, Wisconsin-based Fox Valley Humane Association is a nonprofit shelter engaged in doing wonderful work for animals. FVHA recently utilized instagram as a storytelling platform, and the narrative, which progressed over the course of a few posts (including short video clips), was decidedly goal-oriented, but also humorous. Showcased on a Rover.com blog called “Daily […]

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Fundraising Friday | September 15, 2017

September 15, 2017

Legacy giving has always been a hallmark of Simple Development Systems, so I like to point out exceptional examples of organizations doing it right. UNICEF UK has found a way to speak to their supporters about legacy giving by targeting specific donors and speaking directly to them about creating a lasting impact. This week’s Power […]

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Power of Storytelling | UNICEF UK finds legacy giving opportunities in storytelling

September 11, 2017

Ah, Founder’s Syndrome. It’s also known as “founderitis,” and it is a dreaded organizational illness. I’ve witnessed it time and time again with nonprofits, who face this difficulty when their founder (or founders), just can’t bear to let go. As a result, the founder wields the majority of the power and the other people involved in […]

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Fundraising Friday | September 8, 2017

September 8, 2017

Do you remember when Snooty, the oldest manatee in captivity, died at the South Florida Museum? Read this week’s Power of Nonprofit Storytelling for a prime example of transparency and honesty when systems go wrong. Are you a “glass half full” or “glass half empty” kind of person? I know that I get in my […]

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How long should you keep names in your database?

September 6, 2017

So…how long should an organization keep prospects, lapsed donors, and inactive volunteers in their database? Ahhhh. That’s a question that I get asked often. And the answer to this one is… Pretty much forever. I’ve witnessed plenty of resurrections over time, where lapsed donors “come back from the dead.” I can even tell you all about how […]

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Power of Storytelling | Transparency, honesty, and the legacy of Snooty

September 5, 2017

In late July, the South Florida Museum lost one of its beloved manatees, Snooty. At age 69, he was one of the oldest manatees in captivity. Still, there was immediate evidence that Snooty did not die of natural causes. An investigation was launched to officially examine Snooty’s cause of death. SFM, keenly aware of its […]

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Hurricane Harvey needs some relief, and we’re the ones who can help…

August 29, 2017

Like you, I’ve been watching Hurricane Harvey unfold, and I’ve been horrified (and saddened) over the sheer magnitude of its destruction. The news stories, regardless of how up-to-date and detailed, can only reveal so much, though. We can only imagine what it’s like to be caught in the thick of it, and my heart goes out to […]

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“Is all money good money?” On considering your nonprofit’s Gift Acceptance Policy…

August 28, 2017

In 2017, Black Girls Code turned down a $125,000 gift from Uber. Likewise, Girl Scouts of the USA returned a hefty gift to its donor that amounted to $100,000. Hearts With a Mission, a youth shelter organization requesting $26,000 in government funds to finish out 2017, turned down a $3000 donation that was gifted to them by […]

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Fundraising Friday | August 25, 2017

August 25, 2017

What does real fundraising success take? After years working with hundreds of small nonprofits, one piece of the equation is definitely longevity in the workplace. If you’ve been (as I have) the fifth development director in three years, you know this is true. Rather than studying the problem, we studied the success! Download our free […]

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The Power of Storytelling | When nonprofit stories and the news cycle collide, it can be as awesome as an eclipse!

August 22, 2017

During last week’s installment of Motivate Monday, the one and only Vanessa Chase Lockshin, queen of The Storytelling Non-profit, talked all about creating connections between your organization’s stories and the news cycle. Figuring out how to do this the right way elevates your non-profit’s narratives through real-world relevancy and, in turn, elevates the wonderful work […]

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Fundraising Friday | August 18, 2017

August 18, 2017

I happened to see the story of Miss Butterworth’s social media weight loss journey (courtesy of the Asheville Humane Society) and couldn’t wait to share it with you. This week’s Power of Nonprofit Storytelling.  It will be that time of the year again before you know it! Lots and lots of year-end emails. What can […]

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Nonprofit Donor Surveying: Fundraising’s *Magic Bullet?*

August 17, 2017

Have you ever had to dig yourself out of a hole (one not of your own making)? That’s exactly the situation I found myself in my first fundraising job. The year was 2000, and I had just resigned from my job with one of the region’s largest grant-making foundations, to take on a development position […]

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The Power of Storytelling | Miss Butterworth’s story is touching *and* relateable!

August 15, 2017

Who hasn’t struggled with weight loss at one time or another? Believe it or not, pets are no exception. Case in point: Miss Butterworth arrived at the Asheville Humane Society as a morbidly obese pup. Weighing 20 pounds with her small frame, it was clear that her weight was holding her back from living her […]

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Fundraising Friday | August 11, 2017

August 11, 2017

For three days and two nights Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams left the comfort of his home to live life out on the streets. Read this week’s Power of Nonprofit Storytelling to learn why. *Donate.* *Give Now.* Could getting more creative and bringing your donor into the picture result in greater donations? This week’s […]

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