Fundraising Friday | August 11, 2017

August 11, 2017

For three days and two nights Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams left the comfort of his home to live life out on the streets. Read this week’s Power of Nonprofit Storytelling to learn why. *Donate.* *Give Now.* Could getting more creative and bringing your donor into the picture result in greater donations? This week’s […]

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What’s In My Inbox | Email “call to action” buttons go creative

August 8, 2017

The “Donate Now” button has become ubiquitous in nonprofit email communications, and as interactive as it is, it’s grown a little bit stale (by the way, if you’re curious about which performs better, Give Now or Donate Now, check out this article). But whether it’s the single d-word or the word “now” coming after, perhaps […]

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The Power of Storytelling | A mayor goes undercover…as a homeless person!

August 7, 2017

There are times when our lived experiences contain all of the necessary ingredients to create an amazing story. In the case of Ben McAdams, mayor of Salt Lake County in Utah, he made a decision to dive headfirst into the kind of experience that many are afraid to talk about: homelessness. In the process, he […]

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Fundraising Friday | August 4, 2017

August 4, 2017

How will you be ensuring that your year-end campaign is the best it can be? One way to ramp up your year-end fundraising results is by getting your board members involved in the process of the actual campaign. Use a Fundraising Menu to Order Up Your Successful Year-End Campaign! Free download included. In Do you […]

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Use a Fundraising Menu to Order Up Your Successful Year-End Campaign!

July 31, 2017

Why is year-end fundraising such a big deal for non-profit organizations? The numbers don’t lie. Almost a third of all American individual giving happens in December. And a surprising 12% of all giving occurs in the final three days of the year. Some non-profit organizations raise up to 70% of their entire budget in the […]

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Fundraising Friday | July 28, 2017

July 28, 2017

See why Mary Cahalane calls this week’s What’s in My Mailbox “a smart ask – not limited to monthly, but the way you’d do monthly.” We’ve got a trio of feral kittens we’ve been caring for (they’re on medication and as soon as they’ve gotten a clean bill of health, they’ll be adopted), and winning […]

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What’s In My Mailbox | A smart, effective, and considerate ask from Dana-Farber

July 26, 2017

I hate to say it, but lately, I’m struggling to find compelling mailbox examples to feature for WIMM installments, and so I’ve not been featuring them. Good mail, like a good man, is often hard to find. To solve this ongoing conundrum of plenty of mail but scarce *amazing mail,* I’ve been putting out feelers […]

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Fundraising in a Climate of Political Uncertainty

July 26, 2017

Originally published in 2008, “Fundraising in a Recession – 7 Tips,” became one of the most read and downloaded articles on my original website, Pamela’s Grantwriting Blog. Surprisingly (or perhaps unsurprisingly), time has only reaffirmed the principles originally cited in this piece, which I wrote to help fundraisers through a time of economic crisis. Can […]

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Sure, cats are cute, but the power lies in the story…especially a story by video!

July 24, 2017

A short video, less than three minutes in length, has achieved the elusive status of virality, sitting at nearly 2.5 million views. It was created by a B.C.-based organization dedicated to locally rescuing cats, TinyKittens Society. The video, which chronicles the experience of one of their rescue cats, is called Ancient battle-scarred cat meets tiny […]

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Fundraising Friday | July 21, 2017

July 21, 2017

The time to begin mapping out a plan for year-end fundraising is now. Don’t let it creep up on YOU | How to rock your year-end fundraising Does Your Nonprofit Suffer from Fire Drill Culture? An important read from Beth Kanter. Looking for some terrific free tools you can use right now? Mary Cahalane has you […]

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Don’t let it creep up on YOU | How to rock your year-end fundraising

July 20, 2017

Have you started planning how to rock your year-end fundraising? Say what??? I can hear you now. “Pam, it’s summer and I’m going on vacation next week! Stop already.” But hey, the stats don’t lie. Almost a third of all annual giving occurs of December. Twelve percent of all giving happens in the very last […]

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When is an opportunity NOT an opportunity?

July 12, 2017

It’s crazy, isn’t it? Your days are filled with the insanity of snail mail only grant applications with extensive attachments (the guidelines demand eight copies) for grants averaging $5,000. Your development chair is excitedly emailing everyone on her contact list about the latest voting contest where the organization with the most votes stands to “win” […]

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What Does It Take To Keep Your Nonprofit Development Director?

July 11, 2017

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. Albert Einstein Trust. It’s one of the most important components of your relationship with the donors who make your very work possible. Trust isn’t easy to gain. And it can be destroyed in an instant. A new survey reports that […]

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The ultimate storytelling roadmap to ignite your fundraising in 2017 — and beyond!

July 10, 2017

Whether you’re a seasoned storyteller or you’re just beginning to test the waters, Julia Campbell’s newest book, Storytelling in the Digital Age: A Guide for Nonprofits, is a necessary guide, and it couldn’t have arrived at a better time. She delves into the timeless concept of storytelling, an already-invaluable tool for nonprofits from all walks […]

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Fundraising Friday | July 7, 2017

July 7, 2017

Do your board members say they’ll do anything but fundraise? Relax. Andy Robinson has you covered. From our last Motivate Monday session. What is the future of nonprofit fundraising success? In addition to a heightened understanding of our donors, I believe it lies in storytelling and transparency. Are you starting to think about your year-end […]

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Do your board members say they’ll do anything but fundraise? Relax!

July 5, 2017

Do you have board members who say they’ll do anything but fundraise? Do you still have board members who don’t contribute financially? Do your board members (or some of them) think fundraising is “Ledo’s Pizza Night” rather than major donors? Relax. As Motivate Monday guest Andy Robinson reminds us, “No one is born knowing how […]

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Fundraising Friday | June 30, 2017

June 30, 2017

Are you proposing on the first date? Tips for taking your donor from the first-time gift to lifetime… If you missed last week’s Motivate Monday featuring the marvelous Ken Burnett, you’ll want to watch the episode in its entirety now. Are you so “over” the gala (I know I am!)? Try A Better Gala—Here’s How […]

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Are you proposing on the first date? Tips for taking your donor from first-time gift to lifetime…

June 26, 2017

It was love at first sight. And it started at my very first job out of school. As I was being introduced to my new colleagues in the room, there was this man, Robert, who couldn’t take his eyes off me. He quickly appointed himself my unofficial tour guide. And he invited me to dinner […]

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Fundraising Friday | June 23, 2017

June 23, 2017

How are you bringing your donors into your mission? This week’s Power of Nonprofit Storytelling features a brilliant example from Oxfam. Are you remembering to include a dose of fun in your email communications, especially over the summer months? I loved this quiz from Best Friends. I got Pouncy — what cat did you get? […]

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Has nonprofit life got you burnt to a crisp? Here’s how to save your sanity!

June 21, 2017

Burnout. If you’ve been in the field of nonprofit work for any length of time, you no doubt know the feeling of being burnt to a crisp…with nothing left to give. Should you quit? Can you recover? Are there steps that you can take to not only relieve your burnout but lead your entire team […]

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