What’s in My Inbox | The Benefits of Cleaning Your Email List

March 17, 2022

If your nonprofit has an email list that you’re mailing to consistently, you’ll want to make a practice of cleaning your list regularly.   Email list cleaning is simply a process of regularly updating your email contact list by purging or suppressing outdated contacts and regularly updating donors’ personal preferences. A clean list yields better […]

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What Early Job Prepared You for a Fundraising Career?

March 17, 2022

The other day my Twitter friend, Paul Nazareth tweeted: What non-fundraising job did you have where you learned a skill(z) that have been invaluable to you in your work? It’s a great question because, when we first land in fundraising we often think that we’re not quite prepared. When truth be told, the answers to […]

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Fundraisers and Program Professionals: Can’t Everyone Just Get Along?

March 10, 2022

Every time I meet someone who tells me he/she is a fundraiser, my shoulders tighten, my teeth clench and I brace for conflict. This is probably not the politically correct response, particularly in today’s economy, where organizations are more desperate than ever for funding. However, in my very first job out of graduate school, I […]

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Lessons from MotivateMonday | Using What You Already Have to Grow Your Monthly Giving Program

March 10, 2022

Establishing — and growing — your strong monthly giving program is the holy grail of fundraising and one of the single best things you can do for your mission. Our sector’s biggest puzzle has always been keeping donors engaged and giving. Thanks to donor attrition, you’re running on a never-ending fundraising treadmill. But recent studies […]

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Charity Auctions 101: The Introductory Guide for Nonprofits

March 3, 2022

If your nonprofit is in the process of planning your next fundraising event, consider hosting a charity auction to bring your donors together in support of your current project. Charity auctions are a mainstay of nonprofit fundraising for a few reasons. They’re: Flexible and easily adapted for different audiences and formats Extremely engaging for audiences […]

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Incorporating Storytelling into Your Nonprofit Site: 4 Tips

February 23, 2022

Everyone loves a good story. Stories create a sense of connection, illuminate different perspectives, and stick in our minds for much longer than straightforward facts and figures.  That’s why storytelling is so important for your nonprofit communications. Telling your organization’s supporters straightforward facts about what your nonprofit does and why it matters will only get […]

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What’s in My Inbox | This is the kind of email you want to send now

February 17, 2022

Family and Youth Initiative, located in the DC region, is a wonderful nonprofit connecting teens who are aging out of the foster care system with caring adults. And their recent enews is a perfect example of how you want to connect with your supporters right now. Executive Director Susan Punnet’s opening letter is a warm, […]

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Encouraging Guests to Sign-up for Your Event: 4 Tips

February 3, 2022

Whether they’re hosted in-person, virtually, or in a hybrid format, events need guests to succeed. Not only will an abundance of guests fill your nonprofit’s event with life during the event itself, but each guest is also a potential lead for increased support down the line. A well-run event can be an opportunity to boost […]

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What’s in My Inbox | Jeni’s Knows: Every Day’s a Holiday

February 3, 2022

It was 26 degrees here in the burbs of Philadelphia when I received an email selling ice cream (and in case you’re interested or missed it, the groundhog declared six more weeks of winter) You may be wondering “would anyone buy ice cream by email in January?” You’re looking at her! I always thought that […]

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Lessons from MotivateMonday | Endow Black-Led Nonprofits

January 27, 2022

Why are endowments usually lacking for social change, and particularly Black-led, nonprofits? In this MotivateMonday talk, Darren Isom explores endowments. How we can find endowment funders, and how to open up the discussions. Read Endow Black-Led Nonprofits at Stanford Social Innovation Review.

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What’s in My Mailbox | Takeaways for nonprofits from political fundraising?

January 26, 2022

Oprah’s own, Dr. Mehmet Oz is apparently trying to buy himself a Pennsylvania Senate Seat (insert eye-roll here). Of course, he could hardly be worse than our current Senator, Pat Toomey, who was nothing but a corporate shill who declined to even meet with his constituency. And never mind that Oz doesn’t actually LIVE in […]

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Our Predictions for Nonprofits for 2023

January 12, 2022

Are we living the new normal? First, a pandemic and too many nonprofits left scrambling, trying to pick up the pieces. Wondering how they were going to replace the $600k their spring gala typically raises. Often left afraid to fundraise, and disempowered by well-meaning boards and directors. And now an invasion of idiocracy that knows no […]

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Power of Nonprofit Storytelling | What Your Nonprofit Donor Communications Needs Right Now

December 22, 2021

We’ve been beyond operating in high gear these past two years. Balancing it all: Pandemic (now Omicron variant) worry. Home. Work. Zoom. Donors. Kids. When does it all end? And how much more burnt out can we handle before we finally collapse and pull the covers over our heads? If there’s anything you or I or […]

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What’s in My Inbox | A Non-GivingTuesday Email That Made My Day

December 15, 2021

#GivingTuesday is a movement that unleashes the power of radical generosity around the world. It can also be overwhelming, both from a donor’s perspective and from the perspective of over-worked nonprofit staff trying to compete in a sea of sameness: That’s why I loved this day after GivingTuesday email from one of my favorite nonprofits, […]

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What’s in My Mailbox | When a Holiday Card Mailing Gets it Right

December 15, 2021

I’m a fundraising trainer and consultant. I’m also a donor. One who appreciates personal touches from the organizations I support. That’s why I loved this thanks in the form of a little holiday thank you card. It came from Mother Jones, “an American magazine that focuses on news, commentary, and investigative reporting on topics including […]

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What’s in My Mailbox | “Who’s Irreplaceable? You are!”

November 17, 2021

Lisa Blackwell is a fundraising board member for Temple Concord Synagogue in Binghamton, NY. She also works to raise funds for Kilmer Mansion. Earlier this month, Lisa sent over her end-of-year appeal letter for one of our “feedback and fine-tuning” sessions. Take a look and you’ll see why Lisa’s letter garnered high praise. Why Lisa’s […]

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What’s in My Mailbox | This Post-COVID Gratitude Report Packs a Punch

November 3, 2021

Simple Development Systems is a tested fundraising model focused on growing a healthy base of individual giving support. Using a simple Ask/Thank/Report/+Feedback cycle of donor communications, nonprofits significantly grow their donor base with far less stress, while remaining true to their values. An important piece in that cycle is a regular “Gratitude Report.” If you’re […]

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Lessons from MotivateMonday | The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up Your Fundraising

October 27, 2021

Does your fundraising spark joy for your donors and you? On a recent MotivateMonday session, we were treated to a presentation of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Your Fundraising, led by T. Clay Buck, Lindsay McCreary, and Scott Richards. Inside this training, you’ll identify the issues that keep your fundraising from being the best […]

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What’s in My Inbox | Growing Monthly Giving With a Match

October 27, 2021

Simple Development Systems is a fundraising model with a focus on growing a healthy base of individual giving support. And that includes creating a strong monthly giving program. But monthly giving is not a matter of “if we build it, they will come.” You’ve got to work it regularly. So when this email from The […]

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